Team Members

Member PictureMember description
Melissa's interest in the paranormal began with her own personal experiences as a child. She grew up in a house that was reportedly built on top of an old graveyard in the Fineview neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Melissa is a Halloween fanatic and loves to visit haunted attractions. Melissa's most memorable experience is when she witnessed a full bodied apparition of a woman in the Hotel Conneaut.
Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Kim lives with her husband and 19 year old daughter. Kim has had many personal experiences and has always had a fascination for all things paranormal. She loves creepy old buildings and that feeling you get when you walk into a room and know you are not alone. Kim is not a medium, but she definitely has a knack for sensing when unnatural things are present.
Lois’s interest in the paranormal started when she was reunited with her extended family at a picnic. Born and raised in the West End of Pittsburgh, a graduate of Langley High and a Graduate of the Sawyer School of Business. Married to her husband Bill for 29 years, Lois has 2 wonderful sons and a great daughter-in-law.